…by taking the risk of crippling achievements so far taken concerning fighting climate change.

This article will just focus on a few things Trump did to keep everything down that tries to prevent further damage to our planet:

Actions are taken concerning publishments

In order to minimize the Power of the EPA Trump took not just actions by cutting their budgets dramatically but also tries to eliminate any platform to inform or educate the American people about climate issues. Since Education is this strongest weapon there is Trump tries to fool the people by forbidding EPA-Scientists to publish any indication or evidence that the global warming is caused by manmade carbon emissions, which also means that there are no more press conferences. Just to stress what is happening right now: American Scientists, hired by the EPA during the Obama legislation, are forbidden to publish their results. In my opinion, the academic freedom is questioned here. Furthermore, all researches and studies made by the Agencies Scientists will be reviewed before being published to make sure that just information not blaming manmade actions to cause global warming get released. And on top of that has every mention of climate change from the whitehouse.gov been removed.

Scott Pruitt is in office

Scott Pruitt, the former solicitor general, is now in charge to direct the EPA. He is the same man, who went thirteen times to court in order to cancel or ease environmental restrictions. He is a perfect example of Trump’s strategy to completely turn Obama’s politics around by picking hardened opponents of him for very powerful offices. Pruitt is denying climate change and has been trying very actively to support energy companies in their fight against restrictions in order to make a quick buck to the chagrin of the American society.

Visualising the madness of Donald Trump

Trump got under pressure over golfing.

There couldn’t be a picture more suiting than this to describe the way Donald Trump is using his power to damage, not just the USA but also taking influence on global issues like climate change. Thanks to the immediate actions of Donald Trump the possibilities of damaging the planet are great again.

Closing Words

All the information is gathered by me from Official Governmental Websites (such as http://www.whitehouse.gov) and reliable news sites from any kind of political side. Photos are from different kinds of Websites but stated in all cases from where.

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